PhD Economist · Contact Me

How Can I Help?

Are you facing challenging economic issues in litigation or arbitration or need an independent financial opinion from a PhD economist? Let’s discuss how we can navigate these waters together. Do not hesitate to drop Benoit a note at or call him at +32 479 253 479, and we will figure out what works for you. If you want to provide some basic information, great. If not, we can cover your issues during our first call.

The FAQs on the right provide answers to the questions that Benoit most frequently gets before being engaged on a case. At an initial stage, they may help you determine the relevance of such an engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I generally work on a pure time and material basis, at hourly rates lower than those of large firms that provide the same level of sophistication but have higher overhead to cover. I may be open to alternative arrangements if the case allows it (e.g., in terms of simplicity and predictability). I am not usually open to success fees, because such an arrangement affects my independence.

  • I will solicit support as necessary and have done that in the past. During my time with a larger consulting firm, I drew on the expertise of others and have contacts in various fields I can use. I am happy to discuss specifics during a 1:1 conversation with prospective clients.

  • I am a financial economist by training, but I have done a substantial amount of work on intellectual property, commercial and competition disputes. I have also experienced at supporting complex IT-related litigation on matters relating to software engineering practices, privacy and security, safety, etc. In the past, I have referred prospective clients to others if I’m not comfortable with their needs. It’s in nobody’s interest for me to take on a case where I cannot bring value to the client.

  • I am active in the EU, especially in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, but I am open to providing my services to clients in other parts of the world, provided my language proficiency (English, French, Dutch) allows it.

  • The names of the parties involved in the dispute so I can confirm that I am not conflicted and can assist you.

  • It depends! Each case is unique, and the amount of economic analysis required varies. Of course, the more time I have, the better a case can be prepared and discussed with the client or counsel.

  • Again, and for the same reason, it depends. If we talk, I’ll be forthright about my ability to take a case given my existing caseload and the complexity of your case.

  • To the best of my knowledge, I am one of the few PhD-trained economic experts active in finance and intellectual property disputes in the Benelux and perhaps even further afield. I often face experts with accounting or economics master’s degrees, and their point of view or the depth of their analysis may be different from mine.

  • Yes, I have delivered training courses and seminars on such topics as damages estimation and valuation to leading law firms in Belgium, France and Luxembourg and arbitration groups, such as CEPANI in Belgium. I can also develop specific training on matters of interest, especially in the context of, or prior to starting casework.

  • Here is a link to the current list, but I’m open to discussing other related topics.

  • • First, I’ll do a conflict check based on the names of the parties involved in a lawsuit.

    • Second, provided I can assist you in a matter, we’ll sign a letter specifying the terms of my engagement.

    • Third, I’ll get to work: You will provide specific guidance on scope and level of detail you’d like. I will review relevant documents and exhibits, proceed with economic analyses, during which we will talk regularly.

    • Fourth, I will document my findings in a report for the court or tribunal.

    • Fifth, in arbitration proceedings, I will get prepared for hearings.

  • These things happen, for example if a case settles. Unless otherwise provided by my engagement letter (e.g., if we agree on a retainer), I will issue a final invoice you for any unpaid hours and expenses.